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Padi Digital Material Now Available At Ocean Dive Supply

Padi Course Material TSoderstrom COMMENTS 27 Jan, 2021

Start your course even before your student leave home and get them commited to your particular course 

PADI Rescue Diver course material and certificatePADI eLearning Cerification Pak available for all core courses, Open Water Diver, Advanced Open Water Diver and Rescue Diver. You have a choice of complete pak that include the Video in digital version as well as the Manual and Certificaction code or just the Manual and Certification code. With the later the instructor need to make sure the student watching the video at the dive center or Resort to complete the course.

Emergency First Response course materialPADI Emergency First Response eLearning material available for your student to pre-study the course before arrival to the classroom. Filled with academic information supported by great illustrations and video clips makes it easy for the student to achieve the academic knowledge needed to be ready for the practical sessions with the Instructor.

PADI specialty course materialsPADI Specialty course materials available for most specialty courses PADI offer. It's actual 11 different course with anything from Enriched Nitrox to Wreck Diver course material. You may notice this Pak's are all sold with the Video as well as the Manual and Certification code, in other words complete Pak's.

PADI Open Water Diver course videoEven the Video's for all eLearning courses are available in digital version as a complement to the basic eLearning pak. Good for the Dive center or Instructor to have ready for the Student to watch when they arrive for the in water part of the course if not watched already. Available for all 3 core courses and the 11 different Specialty courses.

PADI Professional course material PADI Professional course material for Divemaster and Instructor Development courses. Available is the all digital IDC Crew Pak, all you need to add is the IDC Slate Pak either with or without Backpack. 
PADI Course Director manual and Guide to Teaching digital are also products available among a few other products needed for the Divemaster course and Instructor Development Course. 
We hope soon the Divemaster eLearning will be available, we will let you know.


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